This section contains reports, white papers, and other publications related to evaluation and research conducted within the ATE context. Archived information related to the ATE program evaluation conducted by the WMU Evaluation Center (2000-08) is also included here.
2005 ATE Survey Technical Report – Processes Procedures and Results
This technical report presents the processes and procedures employed by The Evaluation Center in its annual survey of National Science Foundation ATE Program grantees; using the sixth annual survey (2005) data.
ATE Indicators of Productivity: Six-Year Trends 2000-2005
This report presents findings across six annual surveys of Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grantees conducted by The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan...
ATE Program Evaluation: Contributors and inhibitors influencing program improvement
This brief focuses on project/center evaluation and is divided into 4 sections. This section, Section 1, provides an overview of ATE expectations...
Assessing the impact and effectiveness of the ATE program Volume 2 (2004)
This report, Volume 2 of the 2004 Annual Survey Report, specifically addresses the following fundamental elements of the ATE centers: 1) What...
Assessing the impact and effectiveness of the ATE program Volume 3 (2004)
This report, Volume 3 of the 2004 Annual Survey Report, focuses on the following fundamental elements of the ATE program: 1) What...
Final ATE Evaluation Report (2006)
This report describes the basis from which the ATE program was created and conducted and the evaluation work that has shadowed this...