Preparing for the ATE Survey

Review the 2025 ATE Survey questions to gather the data you need and be prepared when the survey opens.

view 2025 Questions PDF

View 2025 Questions Word Document

Refer to the accompanying FAQ sheet to find answers to frequently asked questions about the ATE Survey.

VIEW 2025 FAQs

Community Resources

Data Request Form

View a data request form from improving advanced manufacturing technician education using industry partnerships.


Guide to Reporting in ATE

Projects funded by the NSF’s ATE program have several reporting requirements. This guide differentiates these various reports and provides tips on preparing for each.


An image of the Guide to Reporting in ATE document

Guide to Requesting Data from Institutional Research Offices

Institutional Research (IR) offices can support you in accessing data to document project activities and outcomes. This guide answers common questions to help you work efficiently with institutional research offices.

View Guide

Thumbnail image of Guide to Requesting Data from IR Office Resource

Tips for Success from the Field

We at EvaluATE know that the ATE Survey is not always easy for ATE projects to complete. To lighten this burden and encourage efficient and accurate data collection, we have compiled some tips and best practices from ATE PIs and project staff. Thank you to everyone who talked with us and shared your experiences with the ATE Survey.



Start thinking about the ATE Survey at the start of your ATE project and revisit the survey at least once a year. Consider these points to ensure that the necessary information is collected efficiently, accurately, and with minimal disruption. 

  • Know the questions asked on the ATE Survey. A draft of the upcoming survey is available on the ATE Survey page of the EvaluATE website by the end of the calendar year. 
  • Create a data crosswalk between different reporting requirements — such as your evaluation report, your annual report to NSF, and the ATE Survey — to better coordinate efforts and avoid duplicating data collection efforts. Review our Guide to Reporting in ATE for tips to understanding the reporting requirements.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to ATE project staff to identifying gatekeepers of the data needed for the survey, such as faculty or managers of institutional data (e.g., institutional research or a similar office). Identify who is responsible for collecting data and when. For data requests, see our Guide to Requesting Data from Institutional Research Offices for assistance.
  • Facilitate shared knowledge about the survey by discussing survey data needs at the start of the project, and hold periodic meetings to help prevent loss of information due to project staff turnover. 
  • Build relationships throughout the year with data gatekeepers by requesting quarterly meetings with them to better understand and discuss data format, the protocol for requesting data, and the availability of data. 
  • Discuss with project staff the utility of data beyond completing the ATE Survey to identify information that could be disseminated in newsletters or other project reports. 

Some data might require tracking throughout the year. Other data may be compiled right before the survey launches. 

  • Be clear about the reporting timeline of the survey, which covers the calendar year, January 1 through December 31. This may not necessarily be your grant reporting timeline. 
  • Monitor data collection by checking in with data gatekeepers to help identify and troubleshoot any potential data collection or reporting challenges. 
  • Tap into shared community knowledge, for example: 
  • Elevate the importance of the survey to interest-holders  to build buy-in. For example, highlight why and how the survey matters to them or how it could be used to inform their work. 

Remember these tips for when you are completing and submitting the survey. 

  • Reach out to EvaluATE early with questions. We are happy to help! Lee McClure can be reached at  or (269) 387-3771. 
  • Complete the survey section by section, rather than all in one sitting. 
  • Save the copy of the completed survey. This can be downloaded at the end of your survey, after submission. We encourage you to make it accessible to the whole project team in case the PI unexpectedly leaves the project. 
  • Meet with your ATE project team after survey submission to reflect on: 
    • The survey process and any questions you were unable to answer to outline strategies for overcoming such challenges next year 
    • The information you reported and to consider how it reflects the work of your project, including possible areas of improvement for the coming year 


Contact Lee McClure with any questions or concerns about the ATE Survey at or (269) 387-3771.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 0802245, 1204683, 1600992, and 1841783. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.