Download: Report_2001Consideration_Sustainability (1)

Sustainability is the ability to prolong or to supply with sustenance. This straightforward
definition takes on a much more complex character when considered in relation to the
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program because of the diverse nature of this
program (i.e., operates under several drivers [e.g., collaboration, program improvement]
and makes awards to projects and centers). Setting these complexities aside, in a simple
sense, sustainability for the ATE program could mean continuation of whatever activities
had been supported by the NSF grant, including institutionalization. This is consistent
with the definition given for sustainability by the Community College Research Center
(CCRC) in their study of the ATE program as well. They defined sustainability as “The
state where the major activities involved in the ATE program continue even after the
grant expires.” Naturally, outcomes or processes that are not successful or of high quality
should not be sustained. This places a burden on the ATE projects (i.e., projects and
centers) and NSF to determine where efforts for sustainability should be focused.

About the Authors

Nanette Keiser box with arrow

Frances Lawrenz box with arrow

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Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 0802245, 1204683, 1600992, and 1841783. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.